Insurance Coverage for Property Investors.

Priced Insurance Coverage for Property Investors.

Priced Insurance Coverage for Property Investors.

What We Do

    • Having quoted hundreds and hundreds of insurance policies for investors over the past decade has provided us some unique insight into the property investment insurance market.
    • No two properties are created equal. Even properties that are of similar size and construction can have drastically different insurance needs. Painting every investment property with the same broad insurance brush does not accurately assess & meet the specific risk exposures of an investment property.
    • We decided that there has to be a better way to meet the insurance needs of property investors. So, we created a customized process that analyzes every investment property individually based on its unique features. In the end, we present an unbiased insurance proposal that encompasses coverages specific to your particular property. Nothing more and nothing less…
    • Let us provide you with information that empowers you to make the most appropriate decision for your investment property’s insurance.

Quick Insights

Dog Bite insurance claims and their impact on Landlords

According to data from the Pew Research Center, young people today (ie. millennials) are renting more than ever before. What this means is millennials are renting for longer periods of time than previous generations did when they were

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Winter Season Risk Exposure for Landlords

As the cold weather and winter season descends upon the northeast, the risks and exposures for landlords, and their tenant filled properties, significantly increases. Such risks from the property perspective include: ice dams

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Water Damage Risk Exposures for Landlords

Ask any landlord what their greatest fear is from a tenant liability insurance perspective is and almost all will say “FIRE!”. While tenant caused fires is, and should be, a serious concern for landlords, water damage is actually much more

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